In the spirit of sharing, here’s one of my bookshelves for zooming in fun. No breasts I’m afraid. But there is an anthology on there that some of you may recognise!
In the spirit of sharing, here’s one of my bookshelves for zooming in fun. No breasts I’m afraid. But there is an anthology on there that some of you may recognise!
For me, some things are such strong signifiers of goodness. I will always always think well of any establishment that provides water for dogs! This is the same coffee company that has the ‘Choose Love’ window!
Mile 9 of 18.2 miles.
I’ve no idea why this man is standing in the shop display pondering sacks of coffee. And I’ve no idea what sacks of coffee have to do with choosing love. But the sight of it made me smile on this sunny Saturday.
I can’t stop taking photos of blossom!
Covent Garden
The view from the top of The Tate. If you’re there before 12th June do check out the Performing for the Camera exhibition, it’s wonderful!
Folegandros, Greece. Easter 2013.